Balanced Hormones
And Our Physical & Emotional Symptoms
Hormones run the body and affect our emotional state. To have a sense of wellness, every system depends upon its
hormones flowing in balance with all the other hormones.
Headaches, Fatigue, Swelling, Irritability, Indigestion ...
Properly balanced hormones are important because if one hormone is off, it creates a cascading effect on the
others, which can play out as physical or emotional symptoms. Often, those symptoms could come from a variety of
sources and we tend to ignore minor things like headaches, fatigue, swelling and bloating, itchiness, indigestion,
irritability etc.
Here is an example of a common situation in our chaotic, high-pressure lifestyle:
- Unrelenting or prolonged intense stress drains our adrenal glands
- The failure of the adrenal glands cascades through the system, perhaps suppressing progesterone and
eventually causing the thyroid to malfunction
- The low levels of thyroid hormone affects the liver’s ability to process blood and soak up excess
- Our LDL levels go up, HDL levels go down, our triglycerides may be high, we may put on weight, feel
lethargic, not sleep well, etc.
- Our human growth hormone may slow down, and our other hormones may eventually be affected.
Physical Vs Emotional Symptoms
If your hair is falling out, your doctors might suspect thyroid malfunction, but if you say “I’m tired," or "I’m
not sleeping well," or "I've put on weight” what do you think they will do? So many things can cause those
Women are more inclined than men to be hypothyroid. From what I’ve noticed, when men’s thyroids go out, symptoms
seem to be more serious and a doctor will look deeper.
Here’s the problem:
If a person’s lipid test shows high cholesterol, the “typical” (sorry, I don’t like to generalize) medical
doctor will start dishing out statin drugs (such as Lipitor) to lower it. The “typical” medical doctor will not
look farther. And many doctors are concerned only with getting the LDL levels down, ignoring low levels of HDL and
the ratio between the two.
Depleted Andrenals, Thyroid, or Cholesterol?
In the example above, the source of the problem was depleted adrenals. The person needs to eliminate stress or
handle it better, eat foods that replenish the adrenal glands, perhaps supplement with bio-identical progesterone
or thyroid hormone until it stabilizes.
Then the cholesterol should level itself out! Lipitor and its ilk will just mask the symptom, making it more
difficult to correct at the source.
Furthermore, the steroidal hormones are manufactured from your body's cholesterol, so if you artificially
suppress it to an extremely low level, you may not produce enough pregnenolone, which is a precurser to
progesterone, DHEA, testosterone and a host of other hormones that must remain balanced to properly run your body.
Then you may be encouraged to supplement with DHEA or other hormones, when all you really needed to do was get off
the statin drugs, address diet and lifestyle issues and let your cholesterol do its job.
This was just an example to show how hormones are related. I am not suggesting that high cholesterol is always
related to your thyroid. It may be, or may not. You would be the best to look within yourself and see if you can
feel the answer. And have your holistic medical doctor run such tests as are necessary to get past all the symptoms
and down to the source of the imbalance in your system.
Stress & Armoring Can Un-Balance Hormones
Some of us bury all that stress inside, which is even worse. This is called “armoring.” Our body holds the
fight-or-flight level of tension all the time, elevating our body’s stress reactions without realizing we are doing
Maybe you are the most easy-going person in the country, living in the moment with nothing getting to you. (If
so, you should give lessons!) Only you can know the answer to these things. The point here is just that stress can
affect hormones.
Toxic Load Causes Imbalance In pH And Hormones
pH determines the ability of our bodys' cells to absorb nutrients. The body’s pH level is determined by many
things that must be working in unison for the body to be at the right pH level. Stress can lower our pH. And heavy
metals and other toxins can also lower our pH and create an acid condition in our bodies.
pH can affect the function of our hormones. To illustrate - a woman cannot conceive if the sperm and egg are not
the correct pH level.
You can see, it is all related.
Click Here to learn more about proper pH
