

 Proper pH
And The Acid Theory Of Disease

A number of medical doctors are starting to pursue the “Acid Theory of Disease.” The body's systems each have different requirements, but the basic idea is that our pH should be close to neutral (a pH of about 7). With a balanced diet of raw, organic food, no pollution, lack of chronic stress, no exposure to toxins, we would have a neutral pH.

Our Acidic Lifestyle

In our modern society's acidic lifestyle, most of us are way too acid. An acidic pH can occur from a variety of behaviors and conditions, such as:

  • An acid forming diet,
  • Emotional stress,
  • Toxic overload from chemical exposure, including pharmaceuticals, 
  • Smoking
  • Immune system reactions that utilize the body's resources, or
  • Any other process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients

All the toxins we eat, breath and absorb through our skin are acidic.

The Damage Done By Acidity

The body is a finely tuned balancing mechanism. When our pH becomes too acidic, it compensates by using its stores of alkaline minerals. The damage done by acidity occurs when the diet does not provide enough alkaline minerals. In that case, a build-up of acids will occur in the cells.

When the body's balance turns acidic, the result will:

  • Lower the ability to absorb minerals and nutrients needed for body functions
  • Decrease energy production in the cells
  • Reduce the ability to repair damaged cells
  • Decrease it's ability to detoxify heavy metals
  • Encourage tumor cells to thrive
  • Make the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness

Acid Theory Of Disease

The Acid Theory maintains that disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment. I don’t know of any medical doctors who refute it. Most medical doctors just ignore it because they don’t know how to incorporate this into their treatment programs.

Of course, we don’t want an overly alkaline body either. To function optimally, our blood must have a neutral pH-balance and other parts of our bodies must have the level of alkalinity or acidity they require to do their jobs.

Body pH is a complex factory designed to transform raw materials (air, food, water) into millions of compounds and processes that fuel the body and sustain our life. So the different parts of our bodies need to have the proper pH levels to do their jobs.

Human blood pH has a very narrow range between 7.35 and 7.45. For illustration, a blood pH of 6.9 sounds only slightly acidic, but the proper pH is so crucial that a level of 6.9 can induce coma and death. 

Ideal urine and saliva readings are 6.4. The digestive tract varies from acidic in the stomach to alkaline in the small intestine, and then acidic again in the colon. (Herein lies a paradox, when insufficient stomach acid fails to properly digest food, which then may cause acid reflux for which we take antacid medication.)

How To Raise pH

The good news is, we can easily do something about this. Perhaps “easily” isn’t a good term, because it can require immense change in lifestyle and diet for some people.

Most people don't realize they are acid, but when our pH becomes more neutral, then we can feel the difference. We can feel everything lighten up and work more gently.

Fortunately, there are supplements that can make the task easier, but the dietary changes are most important. Reducing stress, avoiding OTC and pharmaceutical drugs, and detoxing also help raise pH.

Get some testing strips to find out your body pH and look at some ways to increase your intake of alkaline foods and decrease acid foods. Start with more raw, organic, and unprocessed food. That’s good for all of us, regardless of condition.

Click Here for a few examples of low and high pH foods:
